JHQ Digest - Issue #1
Hi all,
Welcome to the JHQ Digest, this is the first issue, so welcome. I’ll include some general tech news, some stuff I find on product hunt, and some more in depth stuff about JS or kubernetes (whichever one I’m working on at the moment). I’ll try to keep this bi-weekly, so enjoy.
General tech news (what's going on)
It is probably not news that not many people like the iOS 15 Safari update. In broke almost every website I’ve seen apart from lofi.cafe, a lofi cafe. Apple have finally caved and added an option to toggle back to almost the old design. Yay!
Tweet by @jhqcat (me) saying: When are email hooks from @omgdotlol going to be available?
Email hooks will soon be available for those with omg.lol domains. See the above twitter thread. Email hooks look like they will be a really powerful tool, allowing you to get all your emails into your own data base, and, from a tweet from @omgdotlol, it looks like this feature is not far off.
Product(s) of the (two) week(s)
Poet.so - Yes I know it’s product of the day, but, if you looked at my tweet above, you’ll see what I mean. It let’s you create eye candy to showcase your tweet. - £Free
Minimalist password manager - Poor 1Password are not having a good time, after they removed the one time purchase option for mac users, so many of them will probably switch over to this. It has great UX, and stores its data securely in iCloud, not on other servers. - £Free with paid options
Typefully (affiliate) - Typefully (it’s free) is how I write and schedule my tweets, and I would give it credit for my twitter growth. Try it out at typefully.app. The link also gives you a discount on typefully pro. - £Free with paid options
Tweets and tweeters
Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) on Twitter
The latest Tweets from Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane). the real hidden features are the friends we made along the way 👩🏻💻.
“We built this compact, yet powerful date picker for Splitbee. 📅✨ https://t.co/KWmJjBws2G”
“So @lisapjackson just updated her Twitter profile picture, and there seems to be some production equipment in the corner.
Many previous events had segments here — Apple Event coming soon?!”
Further reading
How to setup k3s on a raspberry pi - DEV Community
Set up k3s on your raspberry pi 4, with raspberry pi OS
Create a production-ready storybook with tailwind - DEV Community
Hello everyone, I recently experienced a lot of pain trying to use tailwind, nextjs and storybook for… Tagged with storybook, nextjs, tailwindcss.
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The latest Tweets from Jacob Marshall (@jhqcat). too lazy to press the shift key.